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Basement design style

A modern minimalist style : modern , stylish, modern

Simple , by definition, the overall design reflects a simple yet modern charm style concept. Most minimalist style living room in white color , attention to detail oriented , giving room space in life , fun. Meets the needs of people's lifestyles and function , but also reflects their tastes , cultural background, training connotation of people. In the design of the master implies more understanding of life , but also revealed a unique cultural connotation.

2 , modern Chinese style : dignified, elegant

As the new Chinese style living room decorated with scarlet , crimson , coffee color, so the new Chinese living room is particularly solemn. There is a new Chinese living room decoration biggest feature is particularly engaging , never get tired . New Chinese style living room through the understanding of traditional culture , modern elements and traditional elements combine to create the aesthetic needs of modern people to the rich flavor of the traditional things , so the traditional arts in today's society get the right embodied in the traditional furniture modern living room uses more diverse.

3 , Southeast Asia Style: Luxury , Wealthy

Most of the Southeast Asian style living room using rattan , seagrass , coconut shells , shells, bark, sand and rocks to design the living room TV background , redolent of natural flavor . Color, a blend of Southeast Asian Chinese style design style living room with dark colors dominated , such as brown , black, etc. , people feel calm atmosphere ; affected European-style living room design places the more common light-colored , pearl color, milk white, giving a gentle feeling.

4 , Mediterranean style : simple, elegant

Mediterranean-style living room represents a unique living environment created very casual lifestyle. This style of decoration of the living room, in the form of free- space layout , color, bright , bold, rich, yet simple. In our common Mediterranean-style living room , blue and white are the main colors. It is not a simple Mediterranean blue cloth + jewelry + natural texture of the furniture, and other elements of the pile , but to truly comprehend and feel the charm of the Mediterranean -style job ! The only way to fully interpret the wonderful taste of the exotic blue Mediterranean .

5, the rural countryside style : green, plain

Pastoral style living room frequently used in the decoration of wood , stone, rattan, bamboo , fabric and other natural materials , combined with indoor green , to create a natural , rustic-style living room austere mood . Rustic living room to the living room through the green space into a green space near natural heart level , Flavor ? That's idyllic charm , and the benefits it brings to the people of another reality , that is, do not jump on the bandwagon , do not worry about falling behind . More developed society , the more people respect for nature , so simple pastoral style never gets old .

    In short, the basement room decoration and other decoration is not the same in the light , waterproof and so should be targeted to solve the problem , so be renovated basement of the owners should anticipate good , targeted selection of decorative materials basement a .

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