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Home Improvement How to determine the investment plan

As the saying goes , do not fight a battle unprepared , in general real estate sales management , determine the initial investment plan for the entire home renovation is the most important part , careful planning is the first way to save money home improvement . Most consumers are not satisfied with the root of the home improvement at this point , before the expected or without a clear plan impractical and often will result in additional investment constantly , so Star decorative arts that consumers want to do a home renovation detailed home improvement spending plans , if someone is not ready when negotiating decoration company , or even the minimum investment is expected no decoration ready , then put all hopes are pinned on the decoration company who is very dangerous .

Furnishing a lot of investment associated with the slightest mistake is likely from the original projections . Considered good to do , can not do a re-count , which is the wise home improvement iron plate owners save money primary principle . If doing to change , uncertainty about , often greatly overruns, it is impossible to save the home improvement expenses. According to their economic status and quality decoration , home improvement, home improvement budget before earnestly , " lines" usually do not waste money . For the ultimate consumer satisfaction , the home improvement process in order to save more energy and time, you should try to understand the market extensively and comprehensive calculate, in order to avoid worries.

First of all, tell us about the home improvement expenditure items , home decoration in general there are four blocks of expenditure: a , part of the decoration ( including kitchen equipment ) ; 2 , furniture parts ; 3 , appliance parts ; 4 , decorative parts.

Most of these four years the total investment in home improvement is how allocation ratio , nowadays there are many different theories : the decoration , kitchen , 50% , 30% furniture , household appliances and other 20%. And some said : Decoration and furniture wpc decking, appliances supporting investment ratio should be 1:1 or 1:2 . In the end what kind of said is right, I think , because occupation, personality , preferences and so different, so the consumer home improvement investment allocation ratio can not be the same, however, consumers have recognized can we compare the proportion of marble slab relationship , home improvement investment as expected , the control of a home improvement calculated on the basis of total expenditure .

Through the specific items of expenditure eleven home improvement list , we can clearly know that you need to buy goods details, so only need to go to the market consultation exercise price, you can spend on home improvement confidence , so in the home improvement process, just to have for of control , then the total cost of home improvement will not exceed our expectations.

First, part of the decoration : home decoration currently generally include: decoration company finished part and consumers to buy their own part.

decoration company finished part :

Including : basic decoration, design section and the corresponding water reform costs . Currently, this part of the expenditure , consumers simply find a few different types of decoration companies , by comparing their quotes, to determine their own quotes to determine the decoration company .

1, the basic decoration : This is a home renovation project must be carried out , this part of home improvement only a small portion of the total cost , consumers generally do not know the total cost of home improvement , and decoration companies often prefer to bargain, in fact, doing so is not good , similar decoration company general price difference is not large , the result is often lower prices dispatch , increasing the risk.

2, the design components: the project reflects the style and taste , is the soul of home decoration , blindly increase the design project , the investment is a major reason for cost overruns , but lack the necessary ingenious design, home decoration also seems bland wonders .

3 , water reform : water reform , fewer new homes , existing homes on the more, the more the more old , design projects increases, especially in light ceiling on how much influence the cost of home improvement is very large , some customers blindly increase the variety of switches, sockets , and finally a big adjustment expenses amazing , which is home improvement investment cost overruns important reasons.

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